Hello... Nice to meet you
February 03 2021 – Nicole Thompson

Hey there...I have a short story for you:
First and foremost, let me introduce myself; I am Nicole
I'm the founder of Crown Her Kinks, a hair extensions company that specializes in selling kinky, coiled and curly hair textures that look and feel like our hair. And your name is...?
Now that we've gotten familiar, don't be shy. Talk to me in the comment section, and tell me your ideal natural hairstyle.
While you try to think of how you'd like to wear your hair, let me share a sort-of short story about how I kinda started Crown Her Kinks:
A few years ago, I started a podcast with one of my best friends. We talked about a lot of things that were politically correct within a politically incorrect society. The podcast was very much pro-black. In fact, we got so pro-black that we challenged ourselves to do very black things during Black History Month. One of those black things was to wear my natural hair for the whole month.
Now, I won't lie, I was petrified. I had been natural for years, but I usually braided my fro and adorned wigs, in which I made for myself because my hands are gifted. I bought the best raw hair bundles money could buy, and hand made the most beautiful wigs for myself.
While I continued to flirt with the idea of wearing a natural hairstyle, I tried to see what my hair actually looked like in its natural state. Once I took those Meek Mill braids down that were underneath my wig, I really saw just how damaged my hair was. A few parts were healthy, while most of the hair adorning my crown was fragile, thin and dry. My see-through hair had me down and in a fit.
At this time, I was unsure of what to do. I wasn't confident enough to wear my thin fro, but I did have a whole bunch of natural looking clip-in extensions from my previous years of transitioning. These were really great clip-ins that I'd bought from a great black-owned hair company.
I had them in multiple kinky straight textures but the problem was that I couldn't actually wear this hair anymore. It was great hair still, but I had to straighten my hair in order to wear it and I didn't want to any heat whatsoever on my hair at this moment.
Ultimately, I decided I'd go on a natural hair growth journey, for the fifty-eleventh time. But this time, I'd opt to put hair care first. Although I was missing my silky volumes and lengths that I wore over the years, I vowed to start exclusively purchasing hair extensions that resembled something that would grow out my hair.
I also wanted to see more black women, that looked like me, happily rocking their natural hair. Happy to be wearing natural hair with opulent looks. Happy to wear it from day to day. Just happy to have and embrace their natural hair, while exuding confidence. That's when I decided I wanted to start my own natural hair line. I'd create custom textures that matched my 4C hair and produce images in my likeness, showing the glam and opulence of our natural hair. After all, Natural hair IS beautiful and we will have no talks of it not being such.
Welp, that about sums it ya'll. I am filled with joy that your natural hair journey has allowed you to stumble upon us. Now that we have you here; unwind and read our blog and have a laugh. If you need natural hair care tips or would like to educate others on what you've learned or what you know about natural hair, please join our Facebook family.
Love Always,